
Work related Injuries

The risk of work-place injuries can often be reduced, but it will not be eliminated permanently. Here at Elanora physiotherapy, we know the effect of work-related injuries is not just limited to the workers, as their families, colleagues, and their work-place productivity, all, can be subsequently impacted. We also believe the occupational injuries are not exclusive to a particular industry as many indoor office workers can also be subject to those injuries from time to time.
If you are injured at work, we have all skills, clinical experience, and knowledge to get your back.

We welcome all work cover claims

Please make sure you got all the right paper-work from your referring doctor or general practitioner. Clients with pending Work-cover claim numbers can be compensated for treatment fees by Work-cover Queensland once their claim is approved.

Even if for any reason Work-cover Queensland rejects your claim, you do not need to be worry for your future sessions as we got you covered in other great ways( Just Call Us or Click here to Message Us)

How we can help?

  • We do a complete assessment to get a deep insight towards your condition
  • We thoroughly measure your current level of function, your work-place ergonomic status, manual handling tasks, activity limitations and your impairment level using all sophisticated Apps and outcome measures.
  • We openly discuss all the findings, develop a treatment plan and make realistic estimates for your return to work for doing a modified or full duty tasks.
  • We assist you in setting your SMART goals( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Time limit) in junction with your RTW plans.
  • We offer an individualized therapy program that includes advanced Electrotherapy agents, first-class manual therapy methods and progressive function-specific exercise regime.
  • We take advantage of our advance Gym facility on-site.
  • We keep updating and progressing your home exercise program according to your health needs and treatment goals
  • With your consent, we will liaise with your employer, your Gp, case manager and your rehabilitation counsellor seeking further therapy approvals.
  • We will assist you with all paper works and relevant communications with all third parties involved with your case.
  • We  continuously monitor your progress towards your short and long term goals.
  • We strongly focus on manual handling education, risk evaluation, injury management strategies, and ergonomic assessment.